Störlichtbogenschutz Anlagenbetreiber
Expert knowledge for operators

DEHN arc fault protection

Protection of personnel and switchgear assembly

The boss is responsible for the safety of his team. Arc faults generate temperatures of over 10,000° C and pressure waves of up to 2 bar. Toxic combustion residue escapes into the immediate surroundings.

Optimise system availability – keep costs under control

As the operator of a system, you are responsible for the safety of your personnel. You want to optimise system availability whilst also keeping an eye on the costs? Not as easy as it might sound!

Arc faults endanger your staff and threaten the permanent electrical power supply. A fault in the switchgear assembly can soon be an expensive business.

What do you have to lose if your production comes to a standstill? What are your delivery commitments towards your customers?

DEHNshort means round the clock protection

With DEHNshort, you optimise the availability of your system, protect your employees and free your mind to concentrate on other things. DEHNshort detects arc faults as soon as they arise and quenches them within milliseconds so that your system is soon back in operation.

Remember: The price of active arc fault protection is only a fraction of the production downtime costs. It definitely pays off!

Play it safe

Update your risk analysis and review:

Arc faults are a hazard for your employees

As the employer, it is your responsibility. Occupational safety legislation requires you to provide comprehensive protection for your employees.

Update your risk analysis and review these issues:

  • What potential danger does the assembly present?
  • Where is my assembly and who has access to it?
  • How can I provide the best possible safety for my employees?

You can quickly find the right protection system depending on the type of assembly, the energy density and the requirements.

Round the clock protection for your assembly with DEHNshort: The arc fault protection system detects an arc fault as soon as it arises and quenches it within milliseconds. After the fault localisation, exchange of the quenching device and insulation measurements, the assembly can be recommissioned and production resumed.

DEHNcare PPE protects your employees : Protects electricians when working on open switchgear assemblies. The personal protective equipment includes a jacket and trousers or a coat made of arc-fault-tested, flame-retardant material; an electrician’s safety helmet with an energy absorbing protective face shield; and gloves with a long gauntlet of leather and neoprene.


Have you got any questions? Contact us.

Technical support | Arc Fault Protection

Telefon: +49 9181 906 1510

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