DEHN schützt die Gasindustrie - Planer Infos
DEHN protects systems in the gas industry

Detailed information for planning engineers

Professionally mastering complex tasks

Lightning strikes and transient overvoltages present a risk to the sensitive systems and components used in the gas industry. In today’s competitive environment system failure is a real threat. An increasing number of operators therefore rely on a comprehensive lightning protection concept for pipelines, natural gas compressor stations and gas pressure control and measurement systems. Planning focuses on a holistic consideration of all parts of the system and buildings.

Take advantage of the tools and materials specially compiled for planning engineers to accomplish these complex tasks.



Tender specifications, drawings, macros, data sheets, certificates, installation instructions

Use the notepad function to gather this information.

Configurators | Selection guides

Help you to find the right products quickly.

White papers

Concrete practical solutions can be found here.

Test reports

Make documentation and testing easier.


Have you got questions? Contact us.

Team Process Technology

Telefon: +49 9181 906 1740

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