DEHNguard modular (Y)PV SCI ...

  • Prewired modular complete unit for use in photovoltaic systems consisting of a base part and plug-in protection modules
  • Combined disconnection and short-circuiting device with safe electrical isolation in the protection module (patented SCI principle)
  • Tried and tested fault-resistant Y circuit of DEHNguard M YPV SCI ... (FM) prevents damage to the surge protective device in case of insulation faults in the generator circuit
  • Tested to EN 61643-31
  • Suitable for use in all PV systems according to IEC 60364-7-712


Three-step d.c. switching device (patented SCI principle)
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum

DEHNguard M YPV SCI ...

Modular multipole surge arrester with three-step d.c. switching device for use in PV systems

3 Termékek

Cikkszám 952513 DG M YPV SCI 150

GTIN 4013364136663, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 289.70 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 150 surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 150 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 3 modules
Fault indication
Type 2 SPD according to EN 50539-11
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 150 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 0.8 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 150
Part No.: 952513
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 150 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 10 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 20 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 0.8 kV
Approvals KEMA, UL, CSA

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Cikkszám 952510 DG M YPV SCI 1000

GTIN 4013364126428, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 361.40 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)

Kifutott termék:


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 1000 surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1000 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 3 modules
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1000 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 1000
Part No.: 952510
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1000 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4 kV
Approvals KEMA, UL, CSA

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Cikkszám 952512 DG M YPV SCI 1200

GTIN 4013364127951, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85354000, Bruttó súly: 356.50 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)

Kifutott termék:


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 1200 surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1200 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 3 modules
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1200 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 30 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4.5 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 1200
Part No.: 952512
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1200 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4.5 kV
Approvals KEMA, CSA

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DEHNguard M YPV SCI ... FM

Modular multipole surge arrester with three-step d.c. switching device for use in PV systems; with remote signalling contact for monitoring device (floating changeover contact).

3 Termékek

Cikkszám 952518 DG M YPV SCI 150 FM

GTIN 4013364136670, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 297.00 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 150 FM surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 150 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 3 modules
Fault indication
with remote signalling contact
Type 2 SPD according to EN 50539-11
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 150 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 0.8 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 150 FM
Part No.: 952518
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 50539-11 type 2
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 150 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 10 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 20 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 0.8 kV
Approvals KEMA, UL, CSA
Type of remote signalling contact changeover contact

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Cikkszám 952515 DG M YPV SCI 1000 FM

GTIN 4013364126435, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 343.90 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)

Kifutott termék:


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 1000 FM surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1000 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 3 modules
Fault indication
with remote signalling contact
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1000 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 1000 FM
Part No.: 952515
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1000 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4 kV
Approvals KEMA, UL, CSA
Type of remote signalling contact changeover contact

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Cikkszám 952517 DG M YPV SCI 1200 FM

GTIN 4013364127968, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85354000, Bruttó súly: 359.30 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)

Kifutott termék:


További információ

DEHNguard M YPV SCI 1200 FM surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1200 V d.c.,
width: 3 modules
Fault indication
with remote signalling contact
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1200 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 30 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4.5 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M YPV SCI 1200 FM
Part No.: 952517
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1200 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4.5 kV
Approvals KEMA, CSA
Type of remote signalling contact changeover contact

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DEHNguard M PV2 SCI ... (FM)

Modular multipole surge arrester with three-step d.c. switching device for protecting two MPP inputs; for use in PV systems up to 1000 V; FM version with floating remote signalling contact.

2 Termékek

Cikkszám 952514 DG M PV2 SCI 1000

GTIN 4013364224964, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 588.00 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)


További információ

DEHNguard M PV2 SCI 1000 surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1000 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device, width: 5 modules
Fault indication
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
For protecting 2 MPP inputs
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1000 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M PV2 SCI 1000
Part No.: 952514
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1000 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4 kV
Approvals UL, KEMA

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Cikkszám 952519 DG M PV2 SCI 1000 FM

GTIN 4013364224971, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 599.00 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)


További információ

DEHNguard M PV2 SCI 1000 FM surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester
for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1000 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device
with remote signalling contact, width: 5 modules
Fault indication
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
For protecting 2 MPP inputs
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1000 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M PV2 SCI 1000 FM
Part No.: 952519
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1000 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4 kV
Approvals UL, KEMA
Type of remote signalling contact changeover contact

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DEHNguard M SN1868

Modular multipole surge arrester with three-step d.c. switching device for protecting 3 MPP inputs; for PV systems with remote signalling contact for monitoring device (floating changeover contact).

1 Termék

Cikkszám 999799 DG M PV2 SCI SN1868 FM

GTIN 4013364328723, Vámtarifa szám (EU): 85363030, Bruttó súly: 598.30 g, PU: 1.00 pc(s)


További információ

DEHNguard M PV2 SCI SN1868 FM surge arrester
Modular and pluggable multipole arrester for use in photovoltaic systems up to 1000 V d.c.
with three-step d.c. switching device
with remote signalling contact, width: 5 modules
Type 2 SPD according to EN 61643-31
For use in accordance with IEC 60364-7-712
For protecting 3 MPP inputs
Safe electrical isolation in the protection module
Max. PV voltage: <= 1000 V d.c.
Total discharge current: 40 kA
Voltage protection level: <= 4 kV
Short-circuit current rating Iscpv: 10 kA
Fault indication

Brand: DEHN
Type: DG M PV2 SCI SN1868 FM
Part No.: 999799
or equivalent.



Műszaki adatok

SPD according to EN 61643-31 / IEC 61643-31 type 2 / class II
Max. PV voltage (UCPV ) 1000 V
Short-circuit current rating (ISCPV ) 10 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (In ) 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current (8/20 µs) [(DC+/DC-) --> PE] (Imax ) 25 kA
Voltage protection level (UP ) ≤ 4 kV
Approvals UL, KEMA
Type of remote signalling contact changeover contact

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